This Weeks Events

Women's Morning Bible Study - Sanctuary 9am
Women's Evening Bible Study - The home of Brenda Myers - 6:30pm
Men’s Evening Bible Study - Church Office - 7pm

Midweek Bible Study - Dinner 6:15pm POSTPONED TIL SEPTEMBER  - Midweek Bible Study 7pm  POSTPONED TIL SEPTEMBER
Jr High Youth Night - 6:30pm

OneYear Bible Morning Devotions - 8 am on Friday mornings at the Church house offices
Men's Bible Study in the Sanctuary  - 8am

Men's Bible Breakfast  - 8:30am

Sunday Service -  8:30 am & 10:15 Sunday  Jr. High and High School Ministries. - 10:15am


Women's Morning and Evening Bible Study - Tuesday, September 10th at 9:00 am., Study on the book of Acts. Will be held in the Sanctuary.
Worship & Prayer Night  - Wednesday, September 18th at 7:00 pm. Childcare will be provided.
New Attendee Luncheon - Sunday, Sept 22 at Noon. It will be held at the church office (18881 Yorba Linda Blvd). Sign up at the Welcome Kiosk.
Salt & Light - Feeding the Homeless, Sunday, Sept. 29th.
Young Adults Ministry Launch - Wednesday, October 2nd, Dinner at 6:30 pm, Study at 7:00 pm
Spaghetti Dinner - Friday, October 11th at 5pm - 8pm in the upper patio. $10 per person Hosted by the Academy and Jr. High Ministry.